Reactive Programming: Understanding the Basics of Project Reactor and RxJava

Hello, young coders! Today, we’re going to explore the exciting world of Reactive Programming. We’ll focus on two popular libraries in the Java ecosystem: Project Reactor and RxJava. Don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple and fun. Let’s get started!

What is Reactive Programming?

Imagine you’re playing a video game. You press a button on your controller, and your character immediately jumps. This is an example of reactive programming. In reactive programming, your program reacts to events as they happen.

Understanding Project Reactor and RxJava

Project Reactor and RxJava are two libraries that help you write reactive programs in Java. They provide tools and abstractions that make it easier to react to events, like button presses in a video game.

The Basics of Project Reactor

Project Reactor provides two main types of objects: Flux and Mono.

  • A Flux represents a stream of 0 or more items. It’s like a conveyor belt in a factory. Items come down the belt one after another, and your program can react to each item as it arrives.
  • A Mono represents a stream of 0 or 1 items. It’s like a mailbox. Your program can react when a letter arrives, or it can react when it finds out the mailbox is empty.

The Basics of RxJava

RxJava provides two main types of objects: Observable and Single.

  • An Observable is similar to a Flux in Project Reactor. It represents a stream of 0 or more items.
  • A Single is similar to a Mono. It represents a stream of exactly 1 item.

How to Choose Between Project Reactor and RxJava

Choosing between Project Reactor and RxJava depends on your specific needs and the nature of your project. Both libraries are powerful and flexible, but they have different strengths.

  • If you’re working on a Spring-based project, you might prefer Project Reactor because it’s developed by the same team and integrates well with other Spring projects.
  • If you need to support a wide range of platforms and languages, you might prefer RxJava because it’s part of the larger ReactiveX project, which has implementations in many different languages.

Hot vs Cold Observables

In reactive programming, observables can be either “hot” or “cold”.

  • Cold observables start running upon subscription. The data is produced by the observable itself. Each subscriber gets its own independent set of data. For example, if an observable is set up to read a file, the file would be read anew for each subscriber.
  • Hot observables, on the other hand, produce data regardless of whether there are any subscribers. When a subscriber starts listening, it gets all the data that will be emitted from that point forward. An example of a hot observable could be a mouse move event. The mouse moves regardless of whether anything is subscribing to the events.


Backpressure is a scenario in which an observable is producing data at a rate faster than the observer can handle. Reactive programming libraries provide operators that help you deal with backpressure. For example, you can buffer, drop, or throttle emissions.


Schedulers in reactive programming control when a subscription starts and when notifications are published. They can be used to define an execution context or to introduce time-based operations.

Error Handling

Reactive programming provides a robust way of handling errors. When an error occurs, it is passed down to the observer which can handle it in a graceful way.


Operators are the building blocks of reactive programming. They allow you to transform, combine, manipulate, and work with the data streams. Examples of operators include mapfilterreducemerge, etc.

Functional Reactive Programming

Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is a variant of reactive programming that combines the reactive paradigm with functional programming principles. In FRP, everything is a pure function, which means there are no side effects. This makes your code easier to reason about and test.

Marble Diagrams

Marble diagrams are a way of visually representing data streams and transformations in reactive programming. Each marble represents a data emission, and lines represent the flow of these emissions through time. Operators are represented as functions that transform one marble diagram into another.

Higher-Order Observables

Higher-order observables are observables that emit other observables. This allows you to create complex data flows by “flattening” these higher-order observables into a single observable. Operators that work with higher-order observables include concatAllmergeAllswitchAll, and exhaust.


Subjects in reactive programming are both an observer and an observable. This means they can emit data and also subscribe to other observables. Subjects are often used as an event bus or for multicasting, which is when an observable emits the same sequence of items to all of its observers.

Reactive Extensions (Rx)

Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a set of libraries for various programming languages that implement reactive programming concepts. Rx provides a collection of powerful operators like mapfilterconcatflatmap etc., which can be used to compose asynchronous and event-based programs in a declarative manner.

Reactive programming is a programming paradigm that deals with data streams and the propagation of change. It allows you to program with asynchronous data streams that can emit values of any type. Observers subscribe to these data streams and react to any new values that are emitted. Reactive programming can handle complex data flows, asynchronous operations, and events, making it particularly useful in modern web development. It includes concepts like observables, observers, schedulers, and operators. However, it requires a shift in mindset and a good understanding of its principles and paradigms. It’s a powerful tool, but like any tool, it’s important to understand when and how to use it effectively.

Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. So why not try creating a simple reactive program using Project Reactor or RxJava?.

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